Hi, I'm Sayaan Alam.

Living in New Delhi, India, and originally hailing from a small town in the northern part of the country, my fascination with technology, particularly cybersecurity, ignited at the age of 14 and has only intensified since. My journey in cybersecurity has been a continuous learning curve, constantly expanding my knowledge and skills in the field. Alongside my passion for technology, I harbor a deep love for traveling, relishing the opportunity to explore new destinations and cultures whenever possible.
  • Work

    As a Cybersecurity Researcher and Bug Bounty Hunter, I bring over 5 years of bug bounty experience to the table. My journey in the field began at the age of 14, driven by a strong passion for security. Over the years, I've successfully identified and reported 500+ vulnerabilities across more than 200 companies. What started with addressing minor security flaws has evolved into uncovering critical vulnerabilities, earning recognition from renowned companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft, with mentions in their hall of fames.

    As a valued member of the Elite Synack Red Team for the past 3 years, I've attained the esteemed Hero tier SRT status, achieved by accumulating 10,000 points within a recognition year. Additionally, I've consistently ranked within the Top 3 in India and the Top 50 globally on the 30-day and 90-day leaderboards.

    If you'd like to work with me DM me on Twitter or just email me.

    Bug Bounty Platform Profiles

    Conferences & Publications

    Acknowledgements and Achievements

    • Worked with 200+ companies on their bug bounty program to find and report severe security vulnerability
    • Top 3 India and Top 50 Worldwide on Synack 90/30 day leaderboard
    • SRT Hero at Synack Red Team, Ranked Top 50 in recognition program for year 2023-24
    • Microsoft Most Valuable Researcher 2021 on their bug bounty program
    • Rank #1 on Dropbox Bug Bounty program - 2021
    • Youngest speaker ever at BSides Security Conference

    Quote worth thinking about

    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

    ― Mark Twain